Events in Sydney July – Sept 2016
If you are looking at visiting Sydney during July – Sept 2016 then there are plenty of events and things happening in and around the city.
Sydney has a bright and buzzing entertainment scene all year round and no matter when you visit the city there will be something to suit for everybody.
Below is highlighted some of the best events not to be missed during the July-Sept period.
Bondi Feast
11 July -25th July
A great festival of live entertainment for local homegrown theatre, music, comedy, visual arts and food all over a fortnight period.
There will be fifty performances and over one hundred artists on stage.
The event takes over the Bondi Pavilion building and the Bondi Feast showcases performances from Sydney’s finest writers, comedians, storytellers and theatre makers. Featuring Zoe Coombs, Marr, Retrosweat 80’s Aerobics, Sabrina D’Angelo, Little Fictions and the PACT Rapid Response Team.
To warm up your winter there are numerous delicious food vendors and hot cider purveyors in attendance.
PBR Australian National Finals
23rd July
A one off event and perhaps one day in a lifetime. The PBR (Professional Bull Riders) prepare to deliver a huge night of rough and tumble sport in the dirt.
It’s a spectacular like nothing else – there are twenty two riders all chomping at the bit to try to overcome the power of 52 awesome and extreme beasts namely; the bucking bulls. The battle is head to head for power, glory and to see who’s skill can out match the bulls.
Possibly the longest eight seconds of the rider’s life.
The Sun-Herald City2Surf
9th August
Possibly Sydney’s most favourite sporting event, the Sun-Herald City2Surf event is presented by Westpac and is the largest run in the world with over 80,000 participants attending each year. To give you an idea it is more competitors than London and New York put together.
The run has been taking place since 1971 and Sydneysiders are joined by participants from all over the world. The 14 kilometre race is from Hyde Park in the CBD to the finish at spectacular Bondi Beach.
Public transport is the best way of getting to the start line and also to return home but add extra time for your journey as things are bound to be a little busy.
Festival of the Winds
11th September
A terrific day out at Bondi Beach as Australia’s largest kite flying festival is back on again. The sky will be full of kites of all sizes and shapes flown by professional, local and international kite flyers. Whilst on the ground below there will be dancing and music to accompany the kite’s.
Festival of the Winds also brings numerous attractions such as face painting, kite making stalls, an animal farm, bouncy castles and everything else that is needed for a family fun day out.
Whatever you decide to do on your next visit to Sydney then these are just some of the ideas to keep you entertained and busy. Just visit the city and explore for yourself the many attractions open to you.
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